Rules and mutual respect

How do you get the most pleasure from an erotic massage?

To make sure that everything goes as you imagined and that you want to be 100% satisfied after the massage, you should observe the following rules:

  1. You should be at least 21 years old.
  2. You should NEVER suggest sexual acts to a masseuse.
  3. Masseuses at Massage Lounge are careful to treat everyone with respect and dignity.
  4. Every guest is treated with the same friendliness and openness without making any distinctions in terms of age, appearance, origin and social status, etc.
  5. The guest receives the fullest attention during his entire stay in our massage studio.
  6. We assure you that the information given on the phone about the services of the masseuses and processes is always true.
  7. Far be it from us to arouse interest in our studio through incorrect telephone information.
  8. Discretion, cleanliness and class are a matter of course in our Massage Lounge.

During the erotic massages, people find each other who have mostly never met before. They are ready to trust each other and allow contact and physical closeness as they would otherwise hardly do with strangers. Precisely because the masseuses work in an area that requires a high degree of sensitivity from everyone involved and in which there is always a certain risk of crossing one’s own or other’s borders, they consider mutual respect to be the central basis of their work. It is in the nature of things that a certain intimacy arises during the massages. Emotions can easily arise in these circumstances. This in turn could lead to the desire to want to give something back in the form of a touch. Certainly there is a certain scope for tender, friendly touch such as holding a hand, a hug or a gentle caress. This type of contact is usually tolerated. However, the personal limits of the masseuse must be observed at all times. A negative reaction is to be respected as such and a verbatim no is to be accepted immediately. Try to surrender yourself to the tender hands of your masseuse during the massage and just enjoy the tingling sensation – knowing that you don’t have to do or give anything for once, but simply receive without a guilty conscience. However, a massage can only become a truly sensual experience for guests if you meet the hygiene requirements. The masseuses appreciate well-cared for customers. So they really appreciate it if you take a good shower before the massage. If you arrive here freshly showered from home or from the hotel, you should at least wash your hands before the massage.

Note: The massages do not contain sexual intercourse or oral intercourse.