
The structure of the wellness massage is somewhat similar to therapeutic massages. This type of massage includes gentle touches and strokes as well as targeted grips for stretching and gentle mobilization of the muscles which can also go into depth.
Muscles, joints and the entire body are gently freed from tension, blockages and deposits through the targeted grips in the muscles. Tension in the back muscles and neck/shoulder area is a common problem. Blockages in the muscles are gently massaged so that energy can flow freely again and mobility is restored.

Muscles, joints and the entire body are gently relieved of tension, blockages and debris through targeted grips into the muscles. Tension in the back muscles and neck/shoulder area is a common problem. Blockages in the muscles are gently massaged so that energy can flow freely again and mobility is restored.

Permanent rental + masseuse = price:

45 min.

60 min.

90 min.

120 min.